Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wow! The Last 2 Weeks Have Been Wild!

Happy Sunday! I've got to tell you, I feel wonderful today! The sun is shining, the snow is gone, I enjoyed breakfast this morning outside on the deck feeling the warm rays of sun on my face and it felt terrific!

What a hectic 2 weeks it's been!
I spent 4 days in Washington, DC in meetings with my mentor Mark Victor Hansen and in the midst of this, launching my new site, which I'm so excited about.

To top it all off, I've been working diligently to get my cottage closed against all odds, courtesy of my 'ex'. Crazy as it sounds, he refused to sell anything and I was forced to get powers of attorneys in place with the court so that I could list and sell them. Totally irrational and crazy I know, but the reality of what I've been dealing with. I've had phones to both ears this past week putting out the fires as he continued doing everything he could to stop them from selling and closing, but I prevailed and I'm THRILLED to tell you that as of 3:30 Friday afternoon, it closed, justice prevailed!!!

I feel like an elephant has been taken off my shoulders and I feel GREAT!!!

Yes, all that divorce 'junk' is still there and I'll deal with it, but a lovely family will get to enjoy their beautiful new vacation home on the water in Northern Ontario. I've visioned that family joyously moving in to their new place and have kept the faith thru these longs month of struggle with the 'ex' and his lawyer.

Do you think that I might just have been a Motivated Seller? ....duh, of course! Who do I teach you are Motivated Sellers?!!

There's a lesson here for you.

First, keep your goal in mind, focus and hold the faith that it will happen for you if you truly desire it. Do not waiver from that faith and get enmeshed in the emotional turmoil of worry and fear. Be strategic and focused, hold the vision.

Second, there are motivated sellers just like I was surrounding you. Everywhere, all the time. It's called life and it happens to all of us, good and bad. Situations come up which creates opportunity for you. You just have to be open to see the opportunity that surrounds you. Don't be in a rush to head to the new 'hot spot' to invest. By the time you know about it and get there, it's generally time to be moving on.

So, just a bit that I've been working on this past 2 weeks!

Now, can you imagine how your mind spins spending 4 whole days with such a powerful mentor like Mark Victor Hansen? Imagine being with him and 30 other people intensively for 4 days in one meeting room. Mark is so brilliant that he literally wears my mind out with all that I learn from him, but oh, he makes me see such opportunity and englightenment in the world. I've travelled the world with Mark, to Tahiti, Peru, Hawaii, even to see his Holiness, the Dali Lama, how incredible that was! This comes from having a powerful mentor.

Ok, you might say, Mary, that's what you do, but I can't possibly do what you're doing. And I'll say, all right, I recognize that, this is my choice. Then I will say to you that you too can benefit from a mentor and can leverage off of me.

At that is exactly what you'll get! I've just come out with an affordable, exclusive, online mentoring membership site where you will have access to me for your exclusive online mentoring in real estate or in life if that's what you need to get going and be supported in. You'll have numerous resources in both Canada and the United States, a discussion forum for you to learn and leverage off the knowledge of others interactively, and a place to list your properties for sale or assignment, or even ask for properties to buy.

Our programmers are feverishly working to finish the coding and we'll be LIVE by Wednesday, May 2nd.

Take action NOW and become a charter member of

Go to and JOIN NOW! I'm so excited about this new site and mentoring program and I look forward to helping you create the succeses you desire!

Remember to post your comments at for a chance to win a pre-loaded Nano iPod. Draw will take place Memorial Day, May 28th, 2007.
Mary Wozny

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