Thursday, May 31, 2007

Yes - You Can Get There!

With each act, your confidence grows. Take the first step and you'll gain the confidence to take the next step.

The more you do, the more you'll be able to do.

Begin the journey, and you'll set in motion a positive momentum that can surely carry you through.

Effort feeds upon itself.

Even though you start small, you can soon go very far.

Though you may not yet have what it takes to finish, you always have what it takes to begin.

And from the most modest initial effort, magnificent results can surely and eventually flow.

Whether the goal seems close at hand or infinitely far away, the way to reach it is the same.

Take the first step, set the momentum of your action in motion, and grow along with it until you are there.

Be willing to take the first step, then follow where each step leads.

And even the most ambitious goal is well within your reach.

To achieving all your wishes, dreams and goals!

Mary Wozny

Seattle, Washington Real Estate - Check Out the Funnies!

If you want one of a kind insight into the current state of Seattle’s housing market, the best place to go is right to the funny pages. A recent political comic that appeared in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer showed a child’s tree house with a sign denoting a $300,000 price tag for the “view.” This sums up the lava-hot housing market in Seattle perfectly.

2006 was a record year for the Emerald City with people flocking to the beautiful Pacific Northwest in search of high paying tech jobs and a winter with little or no snow. While the rainy winter season why be an emotional drain on some, the ever-climbing real estate prices tend to be a financial drain that more and more people are happier than ever to live with. With beautiful neighboring cities like Vancouver, B.C. and Portland, Oregon just a short drive away, it is no wonder that this amazing city has one of the strongest, and seemingly recession proof housing markets anywhere in the country.

While the 2006 real estate year was a record setter, the first quarter of 2007 looks to break those records with little effort. The average asking price for a single family home rose an astonishing 9 percent during one month (February to March of 2007) from $454,000 to $494,000. But if an asking price jump of 9 percent is impressive, the actual sales price jump of 9.5 percent over the same period is downright insane. The average sales price for a single family home in the Seattle area jumped from $452,000 to $495,000 in ONE MONTH from February to March. Combine with rising prices the fact that the time spent on the market over that same period dropped from 78 to 74 days, a decrease of over 5 percent, and you have a market that isn’t just hot, but is ready to explode. The question on everyone’s mind is can this continue and when it does finally stop, will it be a precipitous drop or a smooth leveling out?

One sign that the real estate market in the greater Seattle area might be coming back to earth is the sign that foreclosures are reaching all time highs throughout the Seattle area. According to recently released numbers, a record number of foreclosures have been issued during the first quarter of 2007, but even with this jump, Seattle is below the national average when it comes to the number of foreclosures issued. The hard numbers showed an increase of over 16 percent in April of 2007 over March in the number of foreclosures issued placed Seattle at 128th out of the 229 United States metro areas measured.

So, while many east coast housing markets are readjusting market prices to deal with their burst bubble, cities like Seattle and most of California continue to surge, albeit with a few bumps in the road. The problem with cities like Seattle is that the major draws (tech jobs, mild climate, beautiful scenery) isn’t enough of a force to keep a housing market surging at this level forever.

The market here will come back to earth within the next year or two simply because there is no conceivable way growth can continue at this rate much longer. But unlike many overcrowded cities back east, there is enough here to keep the market growing modestly, even after this surge is over. While there is some disagreement, most experts believe a “soft landing” is in store for the Pacific Northwest and not a “burst bubble” like we’ve seen in so many other markets across the country. The best advice for Seattle is to check back in at the end of the year and see what’s what. Investing now is simply too volatile.

Not so funny, eh!

Prosperous Investing,

Mary Wozny

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Even Though - Let It Go

As we go through our day to day experiences and challenges, there are certain times that one specific thought or article has enormous impact on us. Today is such a day for me.

I've been dealing with ... well, I'll just say this, an irresponsible and seemingly crazy, irrational person who chooses not to face reality and who ......... here I could go on for hours! But rather than focus on being upset, angry and frustrated, I choose to let it go and to have abundant joy, peace and happiness in my life.

And so I wish the same for you and hope that you will take from this what you need to allow you to let your angers and frustrations go and choose to live an abundant and joyful life for yourself. Read on and enjoy!

Even though you have every right to be angry, you have every reason to let it go. For when you let go of your anger, you make more room for joy.

Even though your first impulse may be to retaliate, you're likely to be better off when you reconcile and forgive.

After all, when you've been hurt, it makes no sense for you to prolong the hurt with your own attitude and actions.

Even though the world is often cruel and unfair, it does not have to get you down.

The more fully and willingly you accept what is, the more power you have to improve upon it.

Even though many things will come along that could be frustrating and annoying, you can always choose to respond with patience and with grace.

By so doing, you'll be building strength as well as focusing your energy in a more positive and productive direction.

Even though events may not go your way, you can continue to move in the direction of your own choosing.

Success depends very little on being given what you want, and much more on becoming the best you can be.

Even though life has its setbacks, disappointments and tragedies, they pale in comparison to the new and positive possibilities that increase with each passing moment.

Choose to fully live the immeasurable blessing that is your life, and every day will move you forward.

Mary Wozny

Monday, May 21, 2007

Real Estate Investing in Calgary, Alberta

Perhaps no region on earth has seen the incredible economic expansion that the province of Alberta has seen over the last ten years. And with this amazing economic burst came a real estate market that has been the hottest in Canada. And for those with enough foresight, this amazing boom was completely predictable.

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock, the fuel that has been driving this economic surge is oil. For decades, it has been common knowledge that one of the largest oil reserves on earth is under the rich Albertan soil but the problem has always been how to extract the precious crude from the sand in which it was trapped. For years, “experts” saw Alberta has a sort of lost paradise; an economy that literally had no bounds to it at all if it wasn’t for the sand. But, predictably, technology finally caught up to the dreams of investors in Alberta and the separation of the sand and oil is now economically viable. This has led to literal boom towns showing up in Northern Alberta, much like a modern day gold rush. Maybe the single biggest recipient of this windfall has been the city of Calgary. This “Texas of the North” has always held a particular entrepreneurial spirit but with yearly province budget surpluses now in the hundreds of millions, the city of Calgary, and the province of Alberta as a whole, have become the new wild, wild west of real estate investing.

But the big question that concerns everyone looking to invest in Calgary is will it continue? The most recent real estate figures are all pointing to yes. According to a study released in early May, 2007, new home building is up a robust 7 percent over the same time in 2006. So more and more homes are going up in Calgary, but what about long term trends? Very few investment markets anywhere in the world can top the growth that Calgary has seen over the last decade. Growth has topped out at about 20 percent per year, every year for the past ten years and it is due to much more than the black gold found in the Albertan soil. Calgary is truly a wide open space, a city that has room to expand on all sides and a city blessed with such beautiful scenery that it has become one of the most popular places to live anywhere.

The average selling price for a home in the city of Calgary right now is up 22 percent over last year to just over 450,000. The average selling price for a condominium in greater Calgary is doing even better, up over 27 percent in the last year to $326,000. And every expert out there sees these trends continuing as long as there is black gold in the ground. Oh, and just to give you some perspective there, experts predict that there is at least 1.2 trillion barrels of oil available for mining in the oil sands of Alberta.

So, what else can be said about this incredible investment jewel in the middle of the mountains and oil of Alberta? The most important thing to remember is that while this boom has been going on for a while already, it isn’t too late to get your piece of the pie. With improving technology, more and more of the Albertan oil sands are becoming mineable and treatable, which will only send the local economies of both Edmonton and Calgary higher. But you shouldn’t waste another moment thinking about investing in Calgary, the faster you act, the better your investment will be!

Happy Investing!

Mary Wozny

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Moment of Peace

Give yourself a moment of peace. Let all the thoughts and sensations come, and then just as quickly let them flow on past.

Stop holding so tightly to the confusion that's around you.

Relax and enjoy a moment of peace.

Visualize a brilliant, refreshing peace, easily and naturally flowing out from within you.

And you'll experience that peace in abundance as it surely fills your world.

Enjoy a sense of peace by being that sense of peace.

Allow your life to embody the calmness and serenity of the peaceful person you truly are.

The peace you have to give will never run out.

Sending it outward serves to make it even stronger.

Be the peace you seek to know. And know the power that peace can bring.

Mary Wozny

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ophrah's Take on Real Estate - Good or Bad!?!

On a recent show, Ophrah said that "The sole difference between the wealthy and the poor are those who own real estate, and those who do not!"

But it is Buyer Beware for homebuyers and investors these days. Here are a couple of points to keep in mind when looking for the ideal property.

1. Choose a safe, secure location within 3 miles of schools and main thoroughfares.

2. Never get emotionally tied to a property because Emotion = Cost.

3. Find a credible developer and financier by checking references with a Business Bureau.

4. Focus on one niche of real estate first and surround yourself with a Power Team.

5. Beat others to the punch with effective and low or no cost referral marketing.

Luxury real estate will be desirable and affordable for some time to come. New home sales in the US hit an all time high this past year and coupled with some of the lowest interest rates in 50 years, and a higher average income earnings per household, means people are buying bigger and more luxurious properties, with no end in the sight in the forseeable future.

Mary Wozny

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

There are common marketing mistakes that many investors make with age old strategies such as postcards, bandit signs and classified ads. Here’s a list of some of them to avoid.

1. Not having a marketing strategy at all - you simply can’t go out and place bandit signs in neighborhoods and intersections without planning, testing and reviewing the quality of response rate that you get.

2. Not identifying what strategies work in your market and sticking with them - you need to know which strategy works in your marketplace and which doesn’t to maximize your return on your marketing investment of time, effort and money.

3. Not staying within a budget and wasting your money - determine what your monthy budget is for your marketing expenditures and stay within it to avoid the unexpected cash crunch you’ll face by not staying within your budget.

4.. Having no competitive advantage over other investors like you - find out what it is that you can focus on that will drive people to you rather than another investor - what sets you apart from others? Come up with a unique selling proposition that sets you above others.

5. Not being persistent - people get discouraged when it takes a little longer than they want to develop new business. With consistent marketing efforts you will develop a large database of leads that has real value to your business, it simply requires a bit of nuturing and the key ingredient - follow up!

6. Following the herd and their marketing strategies - much like finding your competitive advantage, be different, don’t use the same strategies other investors use, develop your own unique marketing plan and stick to it. Find a “niche” for yourself and develop this core.

Prosperously yours,
Mary Wozny

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wings on Which to Soar

A sure way to heal a disagreement is to focus on your sincere appreciation for the relationship.

An effective way to recover from financial setback is to focus on your gratitude for the many forms of abundance in your life.

To get beyond fear, fill your thoughts with thankfulness for the abilities and resources available to you.

To successfully deal with disappointment, immerse your awareness in those things for which you can be truly grateful.

There is real power in gratitude.

It can calm your anxieties and refresh your spirit.

The more thankful you are for your blessings, the more valuable and numerous those blessings will be.

Each moment you spend with a grateful heart is a moment in which your ability to move forward is at its greatest.

The more you practice gratitude and integrate it into your being, the more easily and naturally it comes.

The more gratitude you express, the more reasons you'll have to express it.

Gratitude can open your eyes and your heart to the very best that life has to offer.

It will give you wings on which to truly soar.


Mary Wozny

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Learn the Wealth Wisdom Formula Thursday Night!

I have a special guest on our call this Thursday evening May 10th at 9 pm EST.

My good friend Paulie Sabol is going to teach you how to become wealthy by being financially wise and learning the wealth wisdom forumula!

Paulie is going to show you a way to stop working so hard and start working 'wise' to create YOUR WEALTH NOW!

Be sure to mark your calendars for this call Thursday night! You don't want to miss this!

DATE: Thursday, May 10th, 2007
TIME: 9 pm EST, 8 pm CT, 7 pm MT, 6 pm PT
DIAL IN: 1-218-486-1300
PIN: 283556

Remember, put Thursday night on your calendar now and join me while I interview Paulie Sabol on the secret to 'Learning the Wealth Wisdom'!

To Your Prosperity,
Mary Wozny

Monday, May 7, 2007

Dovetail Your Business Interests For Greater Cash Flow

When your real estate business is up and running smoothly, it's important to add another business strategy, or another business entirely to your portfolio of income streams.

One creative way to do this is to take back notes on the property you sell, creating a win/win situation both for your buyer and for yourself and adding large amounts of cash flow to your bottom line. Your interest in the note is secured by the very property that you have just sold! You make money on the sale of the property and then ongoing money on the monthly revenues generated from the payments your buyer makes on the note to YOU.

By selling a property and carrying a note back, this offers your business two distinct advantages. First, you do not receive a lump sum payment all at once, hence you are not taxed on those earnings at the same time, and secondly, you receive a positively cash flowing debt instrument secured against the underlying property. If your payor defaulted on the interest payments on the note, you would then be in a position to start foreclosure proceedings as the primary lender and the added benefit of being able to sell the property for more money at a later date.

As a note holder, should you ever require quick cash for your other business interests, you can discount the note and sell it immediately to a note buyer. Note buyers themselves are another way to dovetail your businesses. Once you have sufficient business revenues and are in a position to be a buyer of notes, this itself is a lucrative area to establish a portfolio of notes secured by real estate.

Dovetailing your real estate business interests is a way to leverage your time, effort, and money to create multiple streams of income and increase your net worth.

by Mary Wozny

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Announcing - We're LIVE at

Happy Saturday everyone! I'm so excited to share this with you!

As of 10:00 this morning, www.MyRealEstateClassroom is LIVE and opening it doors to YOU!
Members can login now and get started!

Not a member yet? Go to - JOIN NOW and become a charter member of the community
We're looking forward to welcoming you to the official internet gateway connecting sellers, buyers and real estate investors at and YOUR gateway to accelerate YOUR learning and YOUR business with our online mentoring program and resources.

I'd love to hear your feedback! Please post your comments at and you will automatically be entered in our contest to win a pre-loaded Nano IPOd, draw to take place Memorial Day, May 28th.

Become an exclusive member in this community and JOIN NOW at!

To your prosperity,
Mary Wozny

A Moment of Peace

On this beautiful Saturday morning, I wish you all peace in your heart and peace in your lives.

Give yourself a moment of peace. Let all the thoughts and sensations come, and then just as quickly let them flow on past.

Stop holding so tightly to the confusion that's around you.

Relax and enjoy a moment of peace.

Visualize a brilliant, refreshing peace, easily and naturally flowing out from within you.

And you'll experience that peace in abundance as it surely fills your world.

Enjoy a sense of peace by being that sense of peace.

Allow your life to embody the calmness and serenity of the peaceful person you truly are.

The peace you have to give will never run out.

Sending it outward serves to make it even stronger.

Be the peace you seek to know. And know the power that peace can bring.

Mary Wozny

Friday, May 4, 2007

Respond With Your Heart

This is a article that I find even more appropriate today. I'm continually facing challenges like many of you. Some of you know that I'm experiencing some very difficult and challenging times in my personal life. Many of these challenges are very destructive to myself, my well being and my livelyhood if I were to allow them to do so. I find a lot of it comes from people who are enmeshed in their own "ego".

So as I read what I've written below, I find peace. Peace within myself and peace in the ability to see others for what they are and where they are coming from. I can't change other people, nor their actions, only they can. What I can change and determine is how I choose to react to their actions, no matter how destructive they are. What I can do is thank God daily for my blessings and that every day, my life is better and better.

I hope you'll find the meaning in this article and draw from it the peace that you need to find within. And so......

Respond With Your Heart

Your ego is ever anxious to react to whatever comes your way.

Yet there is always a much more powerful and effective course of action.

Instead of responding with your ego, respond to life with your heart.Instead of allowing your actions to be driven by petty, superficial concerns, let those actions come from the center of your being.

Supporting the demands of your ego can quickly use up all your energy, time and resources.
In contrast, listening to and living out the yearnings of your true self will bring your life an ever-increasing abundance.

Ego will entice you with the promise of pleasure but will always end up robbing you of real joy.

Ego gives you only a hollow image that can all too easily be shattered into nothing.

The more you tune out the noisy ranting of your ego, the more you'll touch the deep and awesome value of your true self.

The more completely you leave your ego behind, the more power your efforts will have.

Respond with your heart. And live true to the unique, authentic and valuable person you are.

Mary Wozny

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Put Your Self Directed IRA Money To Work For YOU

Do you have money sitting around in your self directed IRA earning little to no interest? I call that "lazy money", it's sitting there, just lazing around not working for you and making YOU money.

Did you know that you can use your "lazy money" to invest in real estate? You can generate tax deferrred, easy to manage and lasting wealth by putting your lazy money to work for you and investing in real estate.

A self directed IRA, sometimes known as a "Checkbook Individual Retirement Account", allows Individual Retirement Account monies to be placed into a checking account, making the funds in the account a more liquid asset. You can then invest your money into real estate, business, tax liens, franchises, and more by simply writing a check.

Real estate is the most popular investment for a self directed IRA. Most individuals choose to invest Individual Retirement Account funds into real estate because of the potential higher rate of return, thereby accelerating the value of the Individual Retirement Account.

Do you know that over a 25 year period the difference between a 10% return and a 15% return on just $50,000 invested is close to a Million Dollars???!!!!!!

Do you think that just might motivate you to take control of your finances, stop paying the middle man in your IRA and keep that million dollars for yourself using current investment dollars for investments that have historically brought the highest returns on those investment dollars, what else, ...... Real Estate!

Get your IRA money working for you now and ADD A MILLION to YOUR bottom line!

Mary Wozny

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Investing in Single Family Houses

Like any other form of investment, real estate has its fair share of market cycles, but of late, it has been getting bad publicity. Investors are now having second thoughts about investing their money in real estate, what with all the misconceptions about the housing bubble bursting, unsold homes and condominiums, the increasing number of foreclosures and the declining property values.

But, there’s still big money to be made in real estate, be it in good or bad economic times. Everybody needs to live somewhere, shop somewhere and work somewhere and there has to be someone who will provide them with that space. For real estate investors, who are looking for a long-term investment, owning any kind of real estate means financial freedom.

Why Invest in Single-Family Homes?

Now that you know the value of investing in real estate, here are a few reasons why it is a good idea to invest in single-family homes. But, why invest in single-family homes and not in apartment buildings, office buildings, shopping centers or raw land? Nothing is really wrong with these types of real estates, but single-family homes have several advantages over these, including:

· Less money needed – The average person just does not have the kind of funds to go out and buy an apartment building or shopping center. However, it is possible to go ahead and buy a single-family home with 10% or even less in down payments. In this way, you can now buy a $ 100,000 home for only $10,000 down payment. Single family homes are brilliant for the average real estate investor, as it is quite feasible for the average investor to save $10,000 to buy a property.

· Flexibility – For instance, let’s say you could buy 1 apartment building or 5 houses with the same amount of money. When you need money, with the apartment building you would have to sell the whole thing, bring in a partner or refinance the whole thing. With the houses, you might have to sell one, bring in a partner for one or refinance just one. Apartment buildings are harder to sell. Houses, on the other hand, are far easier to sell. However, the demand for single-family homes has increased and so they can be sold very quickly.

· Higher Equity build up – Generally, there will be more appreciation in single-family homes than in other types of real estate like apartments and houses. The value of apartment buildings is usually based on how much money they can bring in or the income approach. On the other hand, the value of single-family homes is based on comparable sales.

· Less chance of rent control – Rent control is when the government informs you about how much to charge as rent. In big cities that have rent control, many buildings have been abandoned, as the owners were not able to charge sufficient rent to cover their costs. For a property owner, rent control comes as a menace. Fortunately, for the single-family home investor, the rent control laws in most cities only apply to buildings that have 4 or more units.

· Less risk – Single-family homes don’t give you the opportunity to keep all your eggs in one basket. These homes are generally scattered all over the area. Single-family homes attract a much better class of tenants than most apartment buildings. They tend to attract families with school going children, who are generally permanent residents, whereas, apartment buildings attract single people who are more open to moving in and out. In addition, people who live in apartments are less likely to take on repairs and maintenance and look after your property.

Happy Investing!
Mary Wozny

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

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Mary Wozny