Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You Have the Ability Within You ....

Often I have people ask me the question, 'how do I do it?" "How do I make the changes that I need to make?" They feel and have a sense of what they need to do, but they have no way and no belief in themselves in their ability to do so. They will proceed to tell me all the reasons they can't. Rather than explain why you can't, I invite you to find the reasons why you can. Because I have faith in you and I know that you can. And so I share this piece with you................

If you have the ability to complain about something, you also have the ability to take the positive action that will make it better.

And taking positive action is infinitely more effective than merely complaining.

If you have cause to get angry, then you also can turn the energy of that anger in a positive direction.

You can then resolve the situation in a way that is peaceful and valuable for all concerned.

If you have reason to be frustrated, you also have the motivation necessary to get beyond whatever is frustrating you.

Whether you work to eliminate the cause of your frustration or grow beyond it, no frustration ever has to continue troubling you.

If you have experienced disappointment, you also have learned a valuable lesson.

Go forward, apply what you have learned, and transform your disappointment into a positive turning point.

If you have known loss and sadness, then you also have gained a profound understanding of how very precious life is.

Take the opportunity, for which you've paid so dearly, to raise yourself to a whole new level of meaning and fulfillment.

If you face a difficult challenge, you also have the opportunity to grow stronger, more capable, wise, experienced and resilient.

Embrace those opportunities, for in them you will find the sweet substance of life.

Mary Wozny

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Endings........

"I always wanted a happy ending... Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity! " Gilda Radner

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New BFS Mortgage Insurance Rules in Effect

The new CMHC rules for self-employed borrowers took effect Friday and pose new challenges for this category of client.
First off, self-employed borrowers with more than three years in the same business who apply for a mortgage using stated income, as well as commissioned-income borrowers, are now required to provide to provide traditional proof of income (or "third party validation") through documents like financial statements, contracts and T4s.

Those who have recently become self-employed and don't have third-party validation can still apply for a mortgage, but have to come up with a 10 per cent down payment instead of five per cent. Refinancing will also be cut to 85 per cent loan to value instead of the previous 90 per cent.
Brokers have been giving the rule changes mixed reviews with some sayings the latest move was "off the wall" and hopes that if enough people talk about their displeasure with the changes, the CMHC might alter its decision.

"I don't think this was a good decision - it doesn't make sense now," one broker said, adding it also makes writing off income for tax purposes more difficult for BFS clients.

Some brokers on the other hand, agrees with CMHC's decision.

"The more people who default on loans, the worse the market becomes," they state, noting they felt a lot of self-employed people have qualified for mortgages when they shouldn't have. "This provision for self-employed is going to put the right people in the right structure of home."

Mary Wozny

Friday, April 9, 2010

Persistence ....

Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. Calvin Coolidge

Monday, April 5, 2010

Report Says 1 in 4 Canadians House Poor

One in four Canadians rely on subsidies or spend over 30 per cent of their pre-tax income on housing costs, including mortgages and rent, according to a report by the Conference Board of Canada.

According to the report, a household is unaffordable if more than 30 per cent of its pre-tax income is spent on household costs - a situation that more than three million Canadians find themselves in. The typical household spends 50 per cent more on shelter than on food and over five times more on shelter than on clothing.

"The quality and cost of housing are major factors in the health of Canadians," said Diana Mackay, conference board director of education and health. "However, about one-fifth of Canadian households do not have the resources to afford both good-quality homes and other health-enhancing expenditures, such as nutritious food or access to recreational activities."

The report warned that the high number of Canadians stretched too thin negatively affects their health, productivity, and national competitiveness, and increases the cost of health-care and welfare.

Mary Wozny

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter filled with love and joy, sharing time and making memories with loved ones, family and close friends.

Blessings and love,


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stress! Can You Relate to This Word?

I wonder if you can relate to that one word! What pictures does it bring to mind for you?

One of the most common complaints people have is that they have and they are under so much stress. I’m sure you hear this every day, I know I do! Of course they all believe that is a negative thing. This is not always the case.

Stress can actually be good for you. Some stress is normal and useful and in times of crisis or emergency it helps you act quickly or meet a deadline you may have.

However, if stress happens too often or last too long, it can be very dangerous to your health. Stress is linked to headaches, stomach upset, difficulties sleeping, back pain, moodiness, tenseness and depression.

Stress weakens your immune system making it harder for you to fight off disease and making existing health conditions worse. Over time, stress works unseen within us and harms our bodies, causing degenerative diseases, ulcers, heart disease, cancers, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and a host of other illnesses. The effect of being overweight compounds the effects of stress further harming your health. Poor nutrition and poor nutritional supplementation exacerbates this.

Stress is a matter of perception. What one person believes to be stressful may be seen as perfectly normal for someone else. How you view a situation determines how much stress it causes you, meaning only you can evaluate the amount of stress in your life and learn better ways to cope with it.

Everyone has a choice in how they react and perceive situations. It’s up to you to make the decision to make the necessary changes in your life. It really is easy enough to do, the toughest part is making the decision to actually make some changes.

You can make positive changes and decrease your stress by scheduling and prioritizing, by getting plenty of rest, eating well, drinking responsibly and not smoking, exercising, joining a yoga group or taking up meditation, learning to say no and implementing some boundaries in your life. Nourishing your cells at the cellular level is an optimal way of maintaining your health and well-being, giving you more energy and vitality and over time, healing your body from within. View my website if you wish to learn more about the number one rated nutritional supplementation program in North America.

Remember to alleviate stress, pamper yourself, relax your body using breathing techniques, exercise or dance, listen to soothing music, live in the present, the ‘now’, and laugh. Above all, life is to be lived and enjoyed to its fullest!

For your FREE Health Assessment, go now to

For the #1 Rated Nutritional Supplement in North America andrecipient of the "NutriSearch GOLD Medal of Achievement" award,go to today!

To your vibrant health,
Mary Wozny

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Achieve Integrated Health ............

I invite you to visit my site and allow me to assist you on your path to optimal and vibrant health today.

Learn more about my services at

I look forward to making your acquaintance and supporting you with your health goals.

To your vibrant health,

Mary Wozny


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Banks Start Interest Rate Shake Up...

Four big banks have increased their posted rates on fixed mortgages, signaling the start of an upward move on record-low interest rates.

Royal Bank, TD Canada Trust and Laurentian all moved their posted rates on five-year fixed mortgages by 0.6 per cent yesterday, a move followed by CIBC today. Many non-banks have already followed, prompting a surge in requests from variable-rate clients to lock into fixed rates.

The interest rate increase will also mean higher qualifying criteria for new clients, who must meet the five-year posted fixed rate when the new mortgage insurance rules kick in on April 19.

CIBC economist Benjamin Tal told the Globe and Mail the rise in rates along with other factors means the booming housing market will slow down significantly after spring.
"Given where interest rates are now, I still think you'll see an extremely strong spring. However, after that I think the housing market will stagnate," Mr. Tal said. "We are in the ninth inning of this booming house market. We are not expecting a crash, but we will stagnate."

Monday, March 29, 2010

How Good You Have It .......

Do you fully realize how good you have it?

Or do you take all the good and valuable things for granted, focusing only on the troubles and disappointments?

Sure, you have problems, and of course there are challenges and difficulties.

The best way to move forward through those difficulties is by staying connected to the real, enduring goodness in your life.

Stop for a moment and think of five things in your life for which you can be truly thankful.

Then consider what you could do to build and nurture those things, to make them more influential in your thoughts and your actions.

It's easy for the pressing problems of the moment to overwhelm your thinking.
So it's up to you to provide a powerful, positive alternative.

When you have something to be thankful for, you have something real and valuable to go on.
You have a solid foundation from which to build.

And no matter where you may be or what may have happened, you do indeed have many things for which you can be truly thankful.

The more completely you stay connected to them, the more surely life will move in the direction you desire.

For your FREE Health Assessment, go now to

For the #1 Rated Nutritional Supplement in North America andrecipient of the "NutriSearch GOLD Medal of Achievement" award,go to today!

To your vibrant health,

Mary Wozny

Join my team of successful business builders and live in "True Health andTrue Wealth" at

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Quickly Let It Go .......

The energy you devote to being annoyed brings you nothing of value in return.
So choose to quickly let go of your need to be annoyed.
The time and energy you put into being offended adds nothing positive to your life.
So decide to quickly let go of your need to be offended.
Winning petty arguments will do nothing to enhance your relationships.
So find a way to quickly let go of the need to prove that you're right.
There are many things that can hold you back.
But they'll hold you back only as long as you continue to hold on to them.
Each day is filled with plenty of valid reasons to be angry, resentful, jealous, frustrated, offended and annoyed.
All that negativity can stop you cold if you allow it to take up long-term residence in your life.
So make the choice to quickly let it go.
And free yourself to soar above it all.

Find out what 6 Gold Medal, 8 Silver Medal and 8 Bronze Medal Olympic winners use to support their nutritional needs, visit!

To your vibrant health,

Mary Wozny

For your FREE Health Assessment, go now to

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Anxiety.....Do You Feel It?

I had an email cross my desk that I believe many of us can relate to, some of the obstacles are onesyou may be facing now or have in the past.

I’m talking about the anxiety that comes from the stress of not knowing what to do, how tomake a different life for yourself and your loved ones.

I can remember a time in my life when I would get bills that I didn’t have the money to pay.

I can remember watching my family members struggling and feeling ANXIETY becauseI couldn’t help them.

I can remember losing jobs that were paying my bills and not knowing how I’d make endsmeet the following month.

I can remember watching family members and friends going through exactly the same thing,wondering when will it end?

In those situations, there was NO QUICK FIX for the anxiety that I or others felt.

Can you relate to this feeling? Do you sometimes ask yourself the same questions?

As I’ve studied the psychology and the PROCESS of creating business and money success,the more I realize that there are problems that you can’t solve instantly.

And the longer they go without being solved, the worse they get.

It’s like a vicious cycle…

You don’t have the money to buy the things you want or pay your bills, so you feel anxiety.

The anxiety sucks up your energy and attention, so you don’t work on a plan to get on the right track.

This creates a literal downward spiral…..and it keeps getting worse.

So what’s the ANSWER?

Well, if you’ve read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad then you know that probably the BEST way to fixthis downward loop is by starting your own BUSINESS.

That’s the way almost all of the really successful, financially independent people alive have done it.

That’s the way I’ve done it.

And that’s the way YOU are probably going to have to do it – if you want to escapethe ‘water treading’ of debt and anxiety.

Now, I realize that this is a little bit of a heavy emotional message.

But it helped me to remember how it FEELS to really be under INDIVIDUAL financial pressure.

And it reminded me that the only consistent, predictable, proven way OUT of that problemis to create your own foundation of solid cash flow with a BUSINESS.

So that’s my message to you today.

You can’t do big things for yourself or for others if you’re constantly feeling a ton of pressure and anxiety.

And you can’t create long-term security for yourself in the old ‘job’ model of the world.

We don’t live in 1960 anymore .

The big corporations aren’t going to take care of you, your friends, and your family.

If you want to control your financial life and your financial future, then you’re going to haveto take matters into your own hands.

Check this out. It may just be the answer to you're looking for!

To your vibrant health and prosperity,

Mary Wozny

Friday, February 19, 2010

I Ask Myself .... Who Am I?

Sounds very introspective right? But really who am I and why am I here?

I’m just like you are. Plain and simple. I eat, I sleep, I laugh, I cry, I play, I volunteer, I work, I get tired like you do, I cook, I clean, I have challenges to deal with and I want something even better in my life, just like you do. I want to share a bit of me with you.

Some of you may resonate with this and some of you won’t. For those that do, how wonderful! You’ve obviously been looking within yourself for some answers, asking some of those same questions, realizing that there is more to life and our purpose here ….for those that don’t, that’s perfectly fine, I wish you well. We are exactly where each of us is meant to be at this moment in time and doing exactly what we’re meant to be doing. I choose to view life from a perspective of abundance and acceptance.

I hope you don’t mind me sharing with you. I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately, it’s been an ongoing process for many, many years and I’ve come to one of those crossroads in ones’ life. I’ve learned many things about myself and have been blessed to grow spiritually and wondrously. I realize that this is definitely a long letter – yikes! There is so much I want to say to you!

This afternoon, in need of some serious recharging, I went out for a long walk in the cold and snow. I went to my favorite spot on the water overlooking the Bay, a place where I often reflect and chat with the Big Man above. It feels like it’s just me and the universe out there. I enjoy the beauty of nature, the mountains when I turn one way and put my face into the sun and the Bay covered in ice and frozen drifts in the other direction. I draw my strength and energy from these times.

Certainly, life has been full of many different challenges for me; some devastatingly so, such as the loss of my son over 3 years ago. He chose to suddenly sever his relationship with me, his sister and his extended family, aunts/uncles/cousins, following in his fathers’ footsteps and ‘cutting’ people out of his life. Divorce can destroy a family and the fallout from it can be horrendous. It is so sad. I ask my Higher Power whom I call God, what is the reason for this? Why? What lesson do I need to learn from this? How can I learn from this? The health challenges I’ve had to deal with have been quite honestly, pretty frightening. But once again, there are lessons to be learned from that too. Priorities to get straight - Lessons to learn!

Like all things in life, and because I truly wanted to, I’ve learned so many of these lessons. I’ve come to realize that these challenges presented me with the lessons and processes that I needed for myself to bring me to right now, to the beautiful person that I am and to get me where I needed to be right now to live out my life’s purpose. My son has his own healing to do and his own path to follow and I accept this and move on. I will always love him and pray he finds his way back to love one day.

A line I read today says “Wisdom is knowledge gained by experience and implemented by love”. This resonated with me and spoke deeply to my soul. I am a soul full of Wisdom and I love.

The ‘things’, the ‘stories’, the ‘events’, the ‘health challenges’ are all what I call the ‘junk’ of what has taken place. They are simply the story behind what has formed me into the person that I am today.

I am soul, and I live from my soul. I cannot live from any other place. I choose to live in peace, joy and harmony with myself and others. That is what is important to me. I affirm daily that I am a radiant being filled with light and love.

I’ve been so blessed on this journey. As I’ve dug deeper within myself to my core, my soul, and listened to it, I have received many, many blessings.

My beautiful daughter is the light of my life. She lives from her own soul; her light and love shine through in everything she does. My daughter is one of my ‘whys’, she’s what keeps me going and someone I learn from constantly! She talks…..I listen! She’s an amazing communicator and is brilliant in her own right with so many gifts to give the world.

I’ve been honored to share my good friends’ final and painful journey with him, holding his hands and closing his eyes as he passed on. I believe it’s the reason we were brought together in the first place so he wouldn’t be alone on this journey.

And I’ve been blessed to have what I call my ‘one great love’ come into my life for a time, bringing me such joy, happiness and radiance, showing me what a true good and honorable man is like.

I am so incredibly blessed and grateful for all I have received; I have so much to give.

I continue with my studies in Esoteric Psychology, a passion of mine, it’s simply the way I live my life, from a place of awareness, consciousness and connection with the universe and all things in it. I embrace life and everything in it.

I am a Rotarian and proud of it! Rotary’s motto is “Service Above Self”, pretty simplistic but precisely why Rotary exists, to raise money and help others all over the world. It’s thrilling to me to be a part of something so vital and that is changing lives around the world.

My passion is to help others. I can’t tell you all the ways that will manifest. I can tell you that it will be from a place of joy and service. I choose to surround myself with loving, kind and empathetic people. With people who care. I am focusing my energies on building my health and wellness business. How can I not when this has saved my life and provided for me when I was away from it? To be honest, real estate is just not my passion, it was a way, but I find it driven by too many egos and what I’ll simply call negative vibes.

I want to work with people who are positive and kind, who have dreams of a better life for themselves, who accept responsibility for themselves, people who live in the moment not in the past, people who want to take action and build that better life, the life of their dreams. I want to work with people that are interested in health and people that want to build wealth.

The knowledge and skills are easily learned and not the most important things to me right now. It’s who you are and the core values you live by that are more important to me. I want to work with people who care, people with good energy.

I ask you …What is your why? What is your dream? How big is it? After all, the biggest dream is just the right size.

I ask you …….. Who are you? Are you one of the ones I’m looking for?

To your health and prosperity,

Mary Wozny

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Register Now - Tools to Reclaim Your Power

Have you lost a sense of your personal power lately? How many of you could use some NEW tools and techniques to reclaim your power?

I'm so pleased and delighted to share with you a free and exciting event that's just starting. It's the third season of the The Aware Show teleseminar series... Tools To Reclaim Your Power.

Each guest on The Aware Show Teleseminar Series is either a best-selling author or new thought leader in their own right, but how do you think they came up with the tools they use to get them through challenging times and rise to the top of their field? You can get first hand access to the tools and techniques that some of the greatest minds in the human potential movement use in their own lives on a daily basis. How many of you could use some new techniques to reclaim your power?

The series is produced by renowned host of The Aware Show, Lisa Garr, who has been on Public Radio KPFK (90.7 FM) for over a decade. In that time Lisa has interviewed the most established leaders in the human potential movement. She is now bringing her connections, insights and remarkable interview skills to a new interactive forum where you can question and converse with the best of the best. You'll appreciate her engaging and enthusiastic interview style.

Lisa will be interviewing me twenty four experts about "Tools To Reclaim Your Power". Quite often, as we face our own challenges in life, we slowly lose our own sense of self-worth and we wind up operating with half of the energy we need in order to be happy, make quick decisions, and deal with life. This process often happens without our awareness until it’s too late. Would you like to know how to reclaim your power that might have been lost?

Joining Lisa will be guests who will be sharing their tools and techniques to reclaim your personal power so you can learn and be able to immediately apply new techniques to manage your life to its fullest potential.

Here is a sampling of the amazing experts who will be a part of this series...

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer is one of the most popular best-selling authors and Lecturers on spiritually motivational topics. With over 30 books, many audio programs, and videos. Wayne has also delivered his inspiring message on thousands of television and radio shows.

Caroline Myss

Caroline Myss has been in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness for 20 years. Since 1982, she has worked as a medical intuitive, providing individuals with an evaluation of the health of their energetic anatomy system. She specializes in assisting people in understanding the emotional, psychological, and physical reasons why their bodies have developed an illness.

Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols is a dynamic international motivational speaker and powerful advocate of personal empowerment. She is the Founder and CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit, which is recognized by many as one of the most comprehensive empowerment skills programs available today for teen self-development.

Peggy McColl

Peggy McColl is a New York Times Best Selling Author and an internationally recognized expert in the area of goal achievement AND an expert in helping experts create products, make money online and create "best sellers"! With her goal achievement seminars, speaking engagements and books she has been inspiring individuals, professional athletes and organizations to realize their goals and reach their maximum potential for the past twenty-five years. Her purpose is to make a positive contribution to the lives of millions!

Judith Orloff

Judith is the author of the new bestseller "Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Own Extraordinary Story And Shows You How To Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom". She is a psychiatrist, intuitive, and New York Times Bestselling author who offers traditional medicine with intuition, spirituality and energy medicine.

There are 24 speakers in all including: Michael Beckwith, Marci Shimoff, Yvonne Oswald, Hans King, Sheila Stewart, Joe Nunziata, David Wolfe, Bernie Siegel, Maryam Webster, Joan Borysenko, Alison Armstrong, Chris Howard, Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Michael Tamura, Les Brown, and more.

The first call is on Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 at 6:00 PM Eastern (5:00 PM Central, 3:00 PM Pacific).

I know you will enjoy connecting with this amazing group! Did I mention this is all completely free?

Take advantage of this invitation to interact with these personal development experts right now. Click on this link to register for your free seat...

After you register, keep an eye out for Lisa's email with the details for listening in on the calls.
Also, be sure to click on the special link in Lisa's email and grab your bonus gifts that you can use right away. They are yours just for enrolling in this free series.

Yours truly,
Mary Wozny
Vibrant Health & Prosperity Inc

P.S. Remember, there are a limited number of seats available for this complementary teleseminar intensive series, and they're likely to fill up fast. So join us now, while the opportunity is here in front of you...

P.P.S. Also, if you can't make the LIVE calls every Wednesday and Thursday at 6:00 PM Eastern (5:00 PM Central, 3:00 PM Pacific) starting on Wednesday, February 10th, 2010, they will be recorded and available after each show for a limited time so you won't miss a thing. We'll send you the web address of the recording as soon as it's posted on our website. So join us now, while it's fresh on your mind...