Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You Have the Ability Within You ....

Often I have people ask me the question, 'how do I do it?" "How do I make the changes that I need to make?" They feel and have a sense of what they need to do, but they have no way and no belief in themselves in their ability to do so. They will proceed to tell me all the reasons they can't. Rather than explain why you can't, I invite you to find the reasons why you can. Because I have faith in you and I know that you can. And so I share this piece with you................

If you have the ability to complain about something, you also have the ability to take the positive action that will make it better.

And taking positive action is infinitely more effective than merely complaining.

If you have cause to get angry, then you also can turn the energy of that anger in a positive direction.

You can then resolve the situation in a way that is peaceful and valuable for all concerned.

If you have reason to be frustrated, you also have the motivation necessary to get beyond whatever is frustrating you.

Whether you work to eliminate the cause of your frustration or grow beyond it, no frustration ever has to continue troubling you.

If you have experienced disappointment, you also have learned a valuable lesson.

Go forward, apply what you have learned, and transform your disappointment into a positive turning point.

If you have known loss and sadness, then you also have gained a profound understanding of how very precious life is.

Take the opportunity, for which you've paid so dearly, to raise yourself to a whole new level of meaning and fulfillment.

If you face a difficult challenge, you also have the opportunity to grow stronger, more capable, wise, experienced and resilient.

Embrace those opportunities, for in them you will find the sweet substance of life.

Mary Wozny

1 comment:

Emaar said...


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I think this post is really helpful for real estate agents. thanks for sharing this blog.

James Williams….
Real estate in Pakistan