Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Wishes!

I can smell the wonderful aromas of turkey, dressing, gravy and sweet potato pie and suspect that at this time of the evening you're all full and replete from the delicious meals you've enjoyed on this Thanksgiving Day.

As I reflect on this day of Thanksgiving, I look back over the past year in my own life, the enormous changes that have taken place for me, most of them wonderful and exciting, some of them the most difficult and sad a parent can imagine and ever experience as I let go and mourn the loss in my life of my beloved son. I've learned to move beyond the pain and heartache of this, never forgetting, but moving on as one must do to carry on.

I choose to focus on all the blessings in my life and am so grateful and thankful for my beautiful daughter, my family and my friends. I'm grateful and thankful that I have been blessed with new love in my life and I embrace this close to my heart.

I thank God every day that my life is better and better, that I am happy, safe and at peace.
I wish the same for each and every one of you, today and always.

I ask you to realize that no matter the challenges you face each day, the issues that you struggle with, choose to look at each and every one of them as a lesson that you will learn and grow from.
Great things most often come from our most difficult challenges and adversities as long as we are willing to look at the challenge, move through it, learn and grow from it.

We have such an incredible wealth of opportunities and choices in our lives today, endless possibilities for us to consider and look at to create the lives we dream of for ourselves and our families. We truly are blessed and I am forever grateful and thankful.

I wish you all health, happiness and prosperity on this Thanksgiving Day. Embrace and cherish all life has to offer you!

Mary Wozny

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