Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Banks Start Interest Rate Shake Up...

Four big banks have increased their posted rates on fixed mortgages, signaling the start of an upward move on record-low interest rates.

Royal Bank, TD Canada Trust and Laurentian all moved their posted rates on five-year fixed mortgages by 0.6 per cent yesterday, a move followed by CIBC today. Many non-banks have already followed, prompting a surge in requests from variable-rate clients to lock into fixed rates.

The interest rate increase will also mean higher qualifying criteria for new clients, who must meet the five-year posted fixed rate when the new mortgage insurance rules kick in on April 19.

CIBC economist Benjamin Tal told the Globe and Mail the rise in rates along with other factors means the booming housing market will slow down significantly after spring.
"Given where interest rates are now, I still think you'll see an extremely strong spring. However, after that I think the housing market will stagnate," Mr. Tal said. "We are in the ninth inning of this booming house market. We are not expecting a crash, but we will stagnate."

Monday, March 29, 2010

How Good You Have It .......

Do you fully realize how good you have it?

Or do you take all the good and valuable things for granted, focusing only on the troubles and disappointments?

Sure, you have problems, and of course there are challenges and difficulties.

The best way to move forward through those difficulties is by staying connected to the real, enduring goodness in your life.

Stop for a moment and think of five things in your life for which you can be truly thankful.

Then consider what you could do to build and nurture those things, to make them more influential in your thoughts and your actions.

It's easy for the pressing problems of the moment to overwhelm your thinking.
So it's up to you to provide a powerful, positive alternative.

When you have something to be thankful for, you have something real and valuable to go on.
You have a solid foundation from which to build.

And no matter where you may be or what may have happened, you do indeed have many things for which you can be truly thankful.

The more completely you stay connected to them, the more surely life will move in the direction you desire.

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To your vibrant health,

Mary Wozny

Join my team of successful business builders and live in "True Health andTrue Wealth" at http://marywozny.hfteambuilder.com/go2/.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Quickly Let It Go .......

The energy you devote to being annoyed brings you nothing of value in return.
So choose to quickly let go of your need to be annoyed.
The time and energy you put into being offended adds nothing positive to your life.
So decide to quickly let go of your need to be offended.
Winning petty arguments will do nothing to enhance your relationships.
So find a way to quickly let go of the need to prove that you're right.
There are many things that can hold you back.
But they'll hold you back only as long as you continue to hold on to them.
Each day is filled with plenty of valid reasons to be angry, resentful, jealous, frustrated, offended and annoyed.
All that negativity can stop you cold if you allow it to take up long-term residence in your life.
So make the choice to quickly let it go.
And free yourself to soar above it all.

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To your vibrant health,

Mary Wozny

For your FREE Health Assessment, go now to http://tinyurl.com/ylfzq6a.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Anxiety.....Do You Feel It?

I had an email cross my desk that I believe many of us can relate to, some of the obstacles are onesyou may be facing now or have in the past.

I’m talking about the anxiety that comes from the stress of not knowing what to do, how tomake a different life for yourself and your loved ones.

I can remember a time in my life when I would get bills that I didn’t have the money to pay.

I can remember watching my family members struggling and feeling ANXIETY becauseI couldn’t help them.

I can remember losing jobs that were paying my bills and not knowing how I’d make endsmeet the following month.

I can remember watching family members and friends going through exactly the same thing,wondering when will it end?

In those situations, there was NO QUICK FIX for the anxiety that I or others felt.

Can you relate to this feeling? Do you sometimes ask yourself the same questions?

As I’ve studied the psychology and the PROCESS of creating business and money success,the more I realize that there are problems that you can’t solve instantly.

And the longer they go without being solved, the worse they get.

It’s like a vicious cycle…

You don’t have the money to buy the things you want or pay your bills, so you feel anxiety.

The anxiety sucks up your energy and attention, so you don’t work on a plan to get on the right track.

This creates a literal downward spiral…..and it keeps getting worse.

So what’s the ANSWER?

Well, if you’ve read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad then you know that probably the BEST way to fixthis downward loop is by starting your own BUSINESS.

That’s the way almost all of the really successful, financially independent people alive have done it.

That’s the way I’ve done it.

And that’s the way YOU are probably going to have to do it – if you want to escapethe ‘water treading’ of debt and anxiety.

Now, I realize that this is a little bit of a heavy emotional message.

But it helped me to remember how it FEELS to really be under INDIVIDUAL financial pressure.

And it reminded me that the only consistent, predictable, proven way OUT of that problemis to create your own foundation of solid cash flow with a BUSINESS.

So that’s my message to you today.

You can’t do big things for yourself or for others if you’re constantly feeling a ton of pressure and anxiety.

And you can’t create long-term security for yourself in the old ‘job’ model of the world.

We don’t live in 1960 anymore .

The big corporations aren’t going to take care of you, your friends, and your family.

If you want to control your financial life and your financial future, then you’re going to haveto take matters into your own hands.

Check this out. It may just be the answer to you're looking for!

To your vibrant health and prosperity,

Mary Wozny