Friday, September 11, 2009

Guard Your Personal Credit Bureaus Like Gold!

I'm appalled! I'm so perturbed by something that I just saw that I have to write about it and warn and caution you all about this.

Your credit score is a critical piece to any financing that you are attempting to get, mortgage or otherwise. Do NOT let everyone you speak with when looking for financing pull your credit. I'll say it once again..... do NOT let multiple people pull your credit bureau!

I have someone who came to me today .... 13 months ago their credit scores were 737 and 638 and today they are 619 and 560 respectively due to sheer ignorance. Pure and simple ignornance and lack of knowledge about the repercussions of having so many people pulling their credit. They literally shot themselves in the proverbial foot and destroyed their credit at the same time.

Amazingly enough the client doesn't even recognize many of the people who have pulled their credit bureaus. I was told, "well, my husband was online looking at cars on all these sites and just entered his Social Insurance Number"....... never realizing that by doing so he was allowing them to pull his credit while he was online shopping for cars and getting prices.

And don't get me started on the 'rate shoppers' affect of going to 10 different mortgage brokers to find mortgage financing and each one pulling their credit and effectively lowering their credit scores each and every time!!! Consumers need to be educated on how this will lower their credit scores thereby lowering their ability to get the most advantageous and cost effective mortgage financing in the market. Sometimes even making it impossible to get any kind of financing or refinancing when they need it. I won't even go into the morality and ethics of going to 10 different brokers and wasting the brokers time, efforts, and money on that particular game. And yes, it actually costs a broker money to pull those credit bureaus, a cost ads up pretty quickly.

Guard your personal credit file like gold! The immediate and direct result of too many credit bureaus being pulled is a quick reduction in your credit score which will reflect in higher interest and borrowing costs to you.

And if you are serious about getting a mortgage to buy that dream home or refinancing your existing mortgage and paying off some debt, give me a call or apply online at!

Mary Wozny

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