Saturday, March 1, 2008

Todays Women Homebuyers

Savvy single women appear to be buying homes more frequently and at a younger age than ever before, and that has turned the industry's attention to this potentially lucrative consumer group in the softening residential real estate market.

Women are more likely to attend university and more willing to leave the parental nest than their male counterparts. According to new data, 37 percent of single women who have never been married now own their own home.

A desire for financial security, their gowing clout in the workplace and a desire to strike out on their own is helping drive this trend, which is showing significant year-over-year growth. Some researches believe that this is a revolution that will likely change the face of Canadian housing, with the average age of the first time women buyer at 29.

Women buying homes are also showing a marked interest in buying the "fixer-upper" home and becoming proficient in dealing with renovation centres.

To deal with a professional empathetic to the specific needs of women today and to access our Right Mortgage for Women, visit today.

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