Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Update and Clearing the Air

It's been quite a while since I've written to you for a couple of reasons. We've been hit with some computer spam issues that affected our systems. I apologize if you've received erroneous emails from us!

Secondly, I've been sitting back and thinking about decisions to keep this site going and its' future. This is difficult for me to write and I've thought long and hard about what to do. Quite honestly, I still don't have an answer. I'm all about helping people and love the interaction we've had, but I watch and listen to other 'gurus' and frankly, am appalled at what is being said and promoted to you. And so, I've been quiet as I deal with the many changes and challenges in my life and have been focusing on my volunteer activities, which is near and dear to my heart.

Many of you know that my son Brad chose to walk away from both myself and his sister as a result of the divorce proceedings, severing both our personal and busines relationships. It's been painful to say the least but I've learned that everything happens for a reason and have moved on. I love him and will always be here for him but he is on his own journey and has much healing to do.

However, and this is big, I can't stand by any longer while untruths are being said and used as a way to promote himself and his products. He has good information to give to people and truly doesn't have to lie to accomplish this, but has chosen to do so. He has posted a 5:50 minute video wherein he states that his shame of 19 years comes from watching his parents being foreclosed upon and the 'thud' of the door being closed as we lost our home. Good for sympathy but entirely untrue!

I've emailed both Brad and his girlfriend as well as put comments on his blog which of course were not put up, to have him correct this and speak the truth. He has not and continues to ignore my requests to do so.

I am not ashamed of the truth, they were difficult times and I've never hidden that. The truth is that due to my former husbands business failure we did go through bankruptcy as many others did in the 1990's. I saved our home with the help of my mother, God bless her soul, it was tough, no question.

At the same time my former husband attempted suicide which both my children witnessed along with me, and assisted in saving his life. You can only imagine the devastation, trauma and shame that resulted from this and the impact on my children who were then 10 and 12. These things in life make us who we are today though, it is how we chose to react to lifes situations and challenges that help us grow and evolve.

This is part of why I love to help people because I really do understand what others have gone through, I've experienced most of it and am empathetic to their needs. I want them to believe in themselves and achieve their goals and dreams.

In the midst of such a time I was very grateful that I was able to save our home for us - to have Brad out there now stating that we lost our home is unconsionable and I have to set the record straight. I truly dislike having to do this but he has gone too far this time with these untruths. I've let other misrepresentations go by but enough is enough.

At the end of the day, I honestly am not sure how I will proceed from here. Those of you who know me will realize that I speak from my heart and from my truth. Time and intuition will guide me in these decisions.

Thank you for being a loyal supporter of MillionaireRiches.com. I know that many are facing challenges that sometimes seem unsurmountable. I will say to you to accept and don't resist these challenges, "it is what it is" as I like to say. Remove the emotion and resistance from your challenges and accept the way things are and move on.

It is easier to go with the flow of the river than try to swim against the tide. Life gets a lot easier for you once you can recognize and live this.

Thanks for listening, my blessings to you all.

Mary Wozny