Monday, October 29, 2007

Moving On .... Freedom!

I'm sitting here tonight and want to share a few thoughts with you. And yes, I admit that I've been very quiet over the past few months but that changes right now! We're ramping up here at!

I am reclaiming a part of my life that has been held hostage throughout this entire divorce process. I have never lost sight of the end goal, but I've got to tell you, it has been tough slugging. As I was constantly told by my team, "you can't negotiate with terrorists" and this describes perfectly what we've been going through.

I thought long and hard though, made some decisions and then put it out to the universe.

I knew with a firm and unfailing belief that it would happen, that this divorce mess would end last week. It was over, plain and simple. I would no longer put any energy into it, it was quite simply going to be finished and resolved. No matter what! I was strong and courageous in my belief. I knew in my soul that I would not deal with nor live with this intolerable situation any longer, that I would not be manipulated or held hostage by the "terrorist" that I was dealing with.

And so I say to you, that at the end of the day, when things were the bleakest, I maintained my faith and focus and made it happen. I spent all day Friday in court with no results. But throughout this process, I had a book with me, "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.
I've read the book before and was in the process of a second reading as it is so powerful. Strangely enough, I picked it up Friday morning and I read a passage that stated "The present moment is sometimes unacceptable, unpleasant, or awful. It is as it is." It then goes on to state... allow the present moment to be....accept - then act.

I must have read this 30 times that day. But I took heed. I accepted and then I acted. All it took was being willing to let everything go and give up money, money that was my share of our lifes work, but that my ex wanted. In his greed, he wanted it all. So I made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He feels good because he thinks that he's won. I'll bet if you know me, you'll realize that he really didn't.

I am truly the winner here because I am finally free of him, free to reclaim that part of me that he wouldn't let go of, and oh what a relief that is! And so, I had some thoughts on being free to share with you.

Be Truly Free

If you run away from a problem, you will soon encounter an even stronger version of it.

Instead, turn to face the problem, work your way through it, and then it will never be able to hold you back again.

The path to freedom is not through avoidance and denial. For that strategy only ends up heaping more trouble on top of the trouble that's already there.

The path to freedom is through truth, acceptance, effort and determination. There is no problem that can survive such a positive onslaught.

Though it is a pain, though it is an inconvenience, though it is messy and complicated, though it may be embarrassing, go ahead and deal with it. The sooner you deal with a problem, the less of your precious life it will steal from you.

The problems you ignore, avoid, and deny grow stronger. The problems you deal with disappear.

So which outcome would you prefer? Choose to promptly deal with it, and choose to be truly free.

I did and I am free! How could I ever regret that?

No matter the challenges you are facing in your life today, whether it's real estate investments, your business or your relationships, deal with them. Face them head on, resolve them and reclaim your precious life.

I did and I will be forever grateful for having done so.

Mary Wozny